Multiple choice (Matrix)
Choose and write the correct option in the following question:(Class 12 matrix multiple choice question)
1.) If Then
is equal to
Answer (d)
2.) If , then
if the value of α is
(a) π/6 (b) π/3
(c) π (d) 3π/2
Answer (b)
3.)If A and B are square matrices of the same order , then (A + B)(A – B) is equal to
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Answer (c)
4.) Total number of possible matrices of order 3×3 with each entry 2 or 0 is
(a) 9 (b) 27
(c) 81 (d) 512
Answer (d)
5.) The matrix is a
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Symmetric matrix
(c) Skew symmetric matrix (d) Scalar matrix
Answer (c)
Assume X, Y, Z, W and P are matrices of order 2×n,3×k, 2×p, n×3 and p×k respectively. Choose the correct option in (6) and (7)
6.) The restriction on n, k and p so that PY + WY willbe defined are
(a) k = 3, p = n (b) k is arbitrary, p = 2
(c) p is arbitrary, k = 3 (d) k = 2, p = 3
Answer (a)
7.) If n = p then the order of the matrix 7X – 5Z is
(a) p×2 (b) 2×n
(c) n×3 (d) p×n
Answer (b)
8.) If , Then the value of x and y is
(a) x = 3, y = 1 (b) x = 2, y = 3
(c) x = 2, y = 3 (d) x = 3, y = 3
Answer (b)
9.) If A is matrix of order m×n and B is a matrix such that AB’ and B’A are both defined, the order of matrix B is
(a) m×m (b) n×n
(c) n×m (d) m×n
Answer (d)
10.) If A and B are matrices of same order , then (AB’ – BA’) is a
(a) Skew symmetric matrix (b) Null matrix
(c) Symmetric matrix (d) Unit matrix
Answer (a)
11.) If is such that
, then
(a) I + α² + βγ = 0 (b) I – α² + βγ = 0
(c) I – α² – βγ = 0 (d) I + α² – βγ = 0
Answer (c)
12.) A matrix is defined by
The number of elements in A which are more than 5 is
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
Answer (b)
13.) If , then
(wher a∈ N) equals
Answer (a)
14.) If A is a square matrix such that A² = I, then is equal to
(a) A (b) I – A
(c) I + A (d) 3A
Answer (a)
15.) If the matrix AB is zero, then
(a) It is not necessary that either A = O or B = O
(b) A = O or B = O
(c) A = O and B = O
(d) All the statement are wrong
Answer (a)
16.) If and
, then
(a) Only AB is defined (b) Only BA is defined
(c) AB and BA both are defined (d) AB and BA are not defined.
Answer (c)
17.) If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then (AB’- BA’) is a
(a) Skew symmetric matrix (b) Null matrix
(c) Symmetric matrix (d) None of these
Answer (a)
18.) The matrix is
(a) A Skew symmetric matrix (b) Null matrix
(c) A diagonal matrix (d) An upper triangular matrix
Answer (a)
19.) If A and B are two matrices of the order 3×m and 3×n respectively and m = n, then the order of matrix (5A – 2B) is
(a) m×3 (b) 3×3
(c) m×n (d) 3×n
Answer (d)
20.) If and A = A’, then
(a) x = 0, y = 5 (b) x + y = 5
(c) x = y (d) None of these
Answer (c)