Case study Chapter 13 (Probability )
After observing attendence register of class XII, class teacher Shri Mishra comes on conclusion that 30% students
have 100% attendence and 70% students are irregular to attend class. When he observed previous year result, he found that 70% of all students who have 100% attendence attain distinction marks while 10% irregular students attain distinction marks. At the end of the year, one student is choosen at random from the class.(Case study problem probability 4 chapter 13 class 12)

(i) The conditional probability that selected student has distinction marks given that the student has 100% attendence is
(a) 1/10 (b) 3/10
(c) 7/10 (d) 9/10
(ii) The conditional probability that selected student has distinction marks, given that tha student is irregular is
(a) 1/10 (b) 3/10
(c) 7/10 (d) 9/10
(iii) Total probability of the selected student having distinction marks from class is
(a) 4/25 (b) 3/25
(c) 7/25 (d) 1/25
(iv) If in random selection, selected student has distinction marks, the probability that the student has 100% attendence is
(a) 1/4 (b) 3/4
(c) 4/7 (d) 3/7
(v) If in random selection, selected student has distinction marks, then the probability that the student is irregular, is
(a) 3/4 (b) 4/7
(c) 1/4 (d) 3/7
Solution: Let X, Y and A be the event such that
X = Student has 100% attendence
Y = Student is irregular
A = Student attains distingtion marks
P(X) = 30/100, P(Y) = 70/100
P(A/X) = 70/100, P(A/Y) = 10/100
(i) Answer (c)
P( student has distinction marks given that the student has 100% attendence )
P(A/X) = 70/100 = 7/10
(ii) Answer (a)
P( student has distinction marks, given that tha student is irregular )
P(A/Y) = 10/100 = 1/10
(iii) Answer (c)
Total probability of the selected student having distinction marks
(iv) Answer (b)
P( selected student has distinction marks, the probability that the student has 100% attendence)
(v) Answer (c)
P(selected student has distinction marks, then the probability that the student is irregular)