Case study Chapter 10 (Vectors)
Solar panels have to be installed carefully so that the tilt of the roof, and the direction to the sun , produce the largest possible electrical power in the solar panals.(Case study problem vector 1)
A surveyor uses his instrument to determine the co-ordinates of the four corners of a roof where solar panels are to
be mounted. In the picture, suppose the points are labelled counter clockwise from the roof corner nearest to the
camera in units of meters and
Based on the above information answer the following question.
(i) Find the components to the two edge vectors defined by and
(ii) (a) Find the magnitudes of the vectors and
(b) Find the components to the vectors , perpendicular to
and the surface of the roof.
Solution: Given points are and
(i) We have,
Components of vector A are
Components of vector B are .
(ii) (a) We have
(b) We have,
Its components are
2. Read the following and answer the question:
A class XII student appearing for a competitive examination was asked to attempt the following question.
Let and
be three non zero vectors.
(i) If and
are such that
(a) (b)
(c) (d) None of these
(ii) If then evaluate
(a) 0 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2
(iii) If and
are unit vectors and
be the angle between them then
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(iv) Let and
be unit vectors such that
and angle
between and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(v) The area of parallelogram formed by and
diagonals is
(a) 70 (b) 35
(c) (d)
Solution:(i) Answer (a)
(ii) Answer (a)
(iii) Answer(b)
(iv) Answer (c)
We have
Since angle between and
(v) Answer (c)
The area of the parallelogram formed by and
as diagonal
Area sq.units.
Some other case study question
Case study: A man is watching an aeroplane which is at the co-ordinate point A(4, -1, 3) assuming that the man is at O(0, 0, 0). At the same time he saw a bird at the coordinate point B(2, 0, 4).
Based on the above information answer the following:
(a) Find the position vector
(b) Find the distance between aeroplane and bird
(c) Find the unit vector along .
(d) Find the direction cosine of .
(e) Find the angles which makes with x, y and z axes.
Solution: For solution click here