A dielectric slab is a substance which does not allow

Case study question of Physics – Electrostatic potential and capacitance  Case study 3:- A dielectric slab is a substance which does not allow the flow of charges through it but permits them to exert electrostatic forces on one another. When a dielectric slab is placed between the plates, the field polarises the dielectric. This induce … Read more

This energy possessed by a system of charges by virtue

Case study question of Physics – Electrostatic potential and capacitance  Case study 2:- This energy possessed by a system of charges by virtue of their positions. When two like charges lie infinite distance apart, their potential energy is zero because no work has to be done in moving one charge at infinite distance from the … Read more

The potential at any observation point P of a static electric

Case study 1:- The potential at any observation point P of a static electric field is defined as the work done by the external agent (or negative of work done by electrostatic field) in slowly bringing a unit positive point charge from infinity to the observation point. Figure shows the potential variation along the line … Read more

When electric dipole is placed in uniform electric field

Case study question of Physics – Electric charges and field Case study 4:- When electric dipole is placed in uniform electric field, its two charges experience equal and opposite forces, which cancel each other and hence net forceon electric dipole in uniform electric field is zero. However, these forces are not collinear, so they give … Read more

Coulamb’s law states that the electrostatic force of attraction

Case study question of Physics – Electric charges and field Case study 2:- Coulamb’s law states that the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion acting between two stationary points charges is given by Where F denotes the force between two charges and separated by a distance r in free space, is a constant known as … Read more